Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Minor Project Proposal:

The project that I am thinking about approaching for the minor project is my Ghostbusters 2 ADR project from Sound in Media. It was the work that I was proud of the most from the class, but at the same time could of used some more mixing to fix some awkwardness in the sound design. The main area that sticks out for me that needs work is the actual childrens party scene where there is a noticeable lack of ambiance. The room feels too empty and this is something that needs to be fixed. Along with better editing of the claps so it doesn’t sound so fake. Overall I’m proud of the ADR and may only need to move some slightly over to match, but nothing that requires a lot of rerecording.

I don’t have a solid times on when I will work with this project as I am balancing out my other classes and WMJF, but I do plan to do a lot of work at my home studio in the odd hours of the night until I can get time in 006.

I think some of my mixing inspiraitons for the piece include movies like Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead, where they have some pretty serious sound design to make it seem like a real action or horror movie in build up, but it turns out that it is acutally a comedy. This is the effect I am trying to create by having a very tense race to a location by creating  a false sense of danger, since there is really no ghosts at the party.

Since this was my favorite project from Sound in Media I will bring passion into this project and look forward to revisiting what I have done. Now that I know even more about sound design I think I will pick up mistakes that I should of noticed at the time but failed to do so.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good project to work on. Remember to consider how you're going to integrate Reason into it.

    You could also use this for the Reason Replication project, if you want to try to exactly replicate a portion of the scene.
